Pillsbury earned a total of 29 practice rankings and 103 individual lawyer recognitions in the 2018 edition of The Legal 500 United States.

In addition, six lawyers were recognized as “Leading Lawyers,” the top ranking given to an individual. These were: James Alberg and Aaron Oser (Outsourcing); John Heisse (Construction); Mark Lessard (Asset Finance & Leasing); Susan Serota (Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation); and Christopher Wall (International Trade). Meighan O’Reardon and James McPhillips were recognized as “Next Generation Lawyers” in Outsourcing.

Pillsbury practice rankings include: Antitrust: Cartel; Antitrust: Civil Litigation/Class Actions; Construction; Dispute Resolution: Corporate Investigations & White Collar Criminal Defense; Dispute Resolution: General Commercial Disputes; Dispute Resolution: International Trade; Dispute Resolution: Securities Litigation: Defense; Government Contracts; Government Relations; Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation and Retire Plans: Design; Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation and Retire Plans: Transactional; Energy: Renewable/Alternative; Environment: Litigation; Insurance: Advice to Policyholders; IP: Patent: Prosecution; M&A/Corporate and Commercial: M&A: Middle-Market (SUB-$500M); M&A/Corporate and Commercial: Venture Capital and Emerging Companies; Media, Technology and Telecoms: Cyber Law; Media, Technology and Telecoms: Data Protection and Data Breach Response; Media, Technology and Telecoms: Outsourcing; Media, Technology and Telecoms: Telecoms & Broadcast: Regulatory; Project Finance: Advice to Lender; Project Finance: Advice to Sponsor; Real Estate ; Real Estate: Land Use/Zoning; Tax: US Taxes: Contentious; Tax: US Taxes: Non-Contentious; Transport: Aviation and Air Travel – Finance; and Transport: Aviation and Air Travel – Regulation.

The complete list of Pillsbury lawyers recognized in the 2018 edition of The Legal 500 United States:

Aaron Dyer, Fusae Nara, Jacob Sorensen, Roxane Polidora (Antitrust: Cartel); Jacob Sorensen, Jeetander Dulani, John Grenfell, Michael Sibarium, Roxane Polidora, William Sullivan (Antitrust: Civil Litigation/Class Action); Charlotta Otterbeck, Jonathan Goldstein, Mark Lessard (Aviation and Air Travel – Finance); Charles Donley, Edward Sauer, Josh Romanow, Thomas Liu (Aviation and Air Travel – Regulation); Clark Thiel, Jeffrey Gans, John Heisse, Michael McNamara (Construction); Brian Finch, Catherine Meyer, Deborah Thoren-Peden, Mercedes Tunstall (Cyber Law); Carolina Fornos, Maria Galeno, Mark Hellerer, Markenzy Lapointe, Thomas Hill, William Sullivan (Corporate Investigations and White-Collar Criminal Defense); Christine Richardson, Peter Hunt, Susan Serota (Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation and Retirement Plans: Design) Cindy Schlaefer, Mark Jones, Peter Hunt, Susan Serota (Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation and Retirement Plans: Transactional); Michael Reese, Robert James, Thomas Gump (Energy: Renewable/Alternative); Christopher McNevin, Jeffrey Knight, Margaret Rosegay, Mark Elliot, Michael McDonough, Norman Carlin, Thomas Campbell (Environment); David Lisi, Kenneth Taber, Kirke Hasson, Markenzy Lapointe (General Commercial Disputes); Alex Tomaszczuk, David Dixon, James Gallagher, John Jensen, Michael Rizzo (Government Contracts); Aimee Ghosh, Brian Finch, Elizabeth Moeller, Greg Laughlin (Government Relations); Alex Lathrop, Colin Kemp, Geoffrey Greeves, James Bobotek, Joseph Jean, Mark Plumer, Peter Gillon, Robert Wallan, Vince Morgan (Insurance: Advice to Policyholders); Nancy Fischer, Stephan Becker (International Trade); Craig Chason, Jorge del Calvo, Matthew Swartz, Steven Kaplan, Steven Meltzer (M&A: Middle-Market (SUB-$500M)); Aaron Oser, Benjamin Dean, Brooke Daniels, Craig Wolff, Elizabeth Zimmer, James Alberg (Outsourcing); Callie Bjurstrom, Jack Barufka, Patrick Doody (Patent: Prosecution); Alicia McKnight, Michael Reese, Robert James, Thomas Gump, Todd Eckland (Project Finance); Brian Blum, Rachel Horsch (Real Estate); Rachel Horsch, Robert Herr (Real Estate: Land Use/Zoning); Bruce Ericson, David Furbush, Sarah Good (Securities Litigation: Defense); Keith Blum, Mike Kosnitzky (Tax: US Taxes: Contentious) James Chudy, Mike Kosnitzky (Tax: US Taxes: Non-Contentious); David Burns, Glenn Richards, Scott Flick (Telecoms and Broadcast: Regulatory); Allison Leopold Tilley, Christian Salaman, Jorge del Calvo, Michael Torosian (Venture Capital and Emerging Companies).

Full results and commentary: http://www.legal500.com/firms/50783/50812

Aaron S. Dyer, Fusae Nara, Jacob R. Sorensen, Roxane A. Polidora, John M. Grenfell, Michael L. Sibarium, William M. Sullivan, Jr., Mark N. Lessard, Charles F. Donley II, Edward W. Sauer, Josh Romanow, Thomas T. Liu, Jeffrey R. Gans, John R. Heisse, Michael S. McNamara, Brian E. Finch, Catherine D. Meyer, Deborah S. Thoren-Peden, Carolina A. Fornos, Maria T. Galeno, Mark R. Hellerer, Thomas C. Hill, Christine L. Richardson, Peter J. Hunt, Mark Jones, Michael T. Reese, Robert A. James, Thomas Klaus Gump, Jeffrey A. Knight, Margaret Rosegay, Mark E. Elliott, Michael S. McDonough, Kenneth W. Taber, Alex D. Tomaszczuk, David B. Dixon, John E. Jensen, Michael R. Rizzo, Aimee P. Ghosh, Elizabeth Vella Moeller, The Honorable Gregory H. Laughlin, Alex J. Lathrop, Colin T. Kemp, James P. Bobotek, Joseph D. Jean, Mark J. Plumer, Peter M. Gillon, Robert L. Wallan, Nancy A. Fischer, Stephan E. Becker, Craig E. Chason, Matthew B. Swartz, Steve Kaplan, Steven L. Meltzer, Aaron M. Oser, Benjamin M. Dean, Brooke L. Daniels, Elizabeth Zimmer, James L. Alberg, Callie A. Bjurstrom, Jack S. Barufka, Patrick A. Doody, Alicia M. McKnight, Rachel B. Horsch, Robert C. Herr, Bruce A. Ericson, Michael Kosnitzky, Scott R. Flick, Allison M. Leopold Tilley, Christian A. Salaman, Antitrust & Competition, Litigation, Consumer Class Actions, Construction, Corporate Investigations & White Collar Defense, International Trade, Securities Litigation & Enforcement, Government Contracts & Disputes, Government Contracts & Disputes, Executive Compensation & Benefits, Energy, Environmental Litigation, Environmental Litigation, Patent Counseling, Prosecution & Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Emerging Companies & Venture Capital, Mass Media, Mass Media, Technology, Media & Entertainment, Technology Transactions, Cybersecurity, Data Protection & Privacy, Technology Acquisition & Licensing, Regulatory, Projects, Projects, Real Estate, Real Estate, Land Use & Zoning, Land Use & Zoning, Land Use & Zoning, Tax, Aviation, Aerospace & Transportation, Aviation, Aerospace & Transportation - Regulatory, Private Client & Family Office, Energy, Ethics & Compliance, Ethics & Compliance