Representative Matters

  • Representing multiple international airlines in COVID-19-related class action litigations regarding consumer claims in connection with ticket refunds.
  • Representing prestigious private university in the Operation Varsity Blues college admissions criminal investigation and in follow on consumer class actions challenging alleged misrepresentations and omissions regarding recruiting practices.
  • Defense of prominent mobile game app publisher in class action alleging privacy violations including geotracking, COPPA, and other theories.

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  • Representation of international coffee chain in false advertising class action alleging slack fill violations.
  • Defeated class certification in nationwide MDL consumer class action proceeding asserting product liability defects in plumbing products.
  • Defeated class certification in nationwide “all natural” class action involving snack chips and alleged GMO corn content.
  • Represented Icelandic airline in class action litigation regarding consumer claims in connection with flight delays. The case settled on favorable terms after a ruling on our summary judgment motion.
  • Represented major international airline in class action litigation challenging disclosures made in connection with European Union regulations.
  • Privacy and Cyber Class Actions
    • Represented major academic medical center in multiple class actions seeking statutory damages for the unauthorized disclosure of patient health information by a hospital vendor.
    • Defended major pharmaceutical company in several putative class actions alleging the company developed pharmacy reminder letters that were in violation of California’s Confidentiality of Medical Information Act.
    • Defeated class certification in nationwide action alleging violations of FACTA. Court found “disproportionate consequences to Defendant’s business and the lack of actual harm suffered by members of the potential class.”
    • Defended international cruise line in a consolidated class action involving dozens of telemarketing entities alleging violations of the TCPA.
    • Obtained partial or complete insurance coverage for many dozens of privacy class actions.
  • Advertising Class Actions
    • Defending major snack food manufacturer, defeated class certification motion filed in Northern District of California “food court” alleging that “all natural” claims were false based on inclusion of GMO corn.
    • Defended major Japanese electronics company in a multidistrict action alleging a global conspiracy to engage in price-fixing and other anti-competitive conduct in the market for TFT-LCD panels.
    • Obtained highly favorable nationwide settlement for protein cookie nutritional labeling class actions.
    • Defending international coffee retailer in connection with class action filed under newly revised slack fill legislation.
    • Defended numerous hotel properties in a consumer class action alleging defendants imposed mandatory fees and surcharges on consumers visiting their hotels thereby increasing the advertised price of the hotel room.
    • Represented one of the largest banks in Mexico and Spain in related national class actions alleging defendants misled consumers in relation to money transmitter products.
    • Negotiated favorable settlement for a popular tart frozen yogurt chain in a consumer class action that alleged false advertising for “all natural” claims and violations of unfair competition statutes.
    • Successfully defended two national grocery companies in class action suits alleging false advertising claims.
  • Employment Class Actions/Wage & Hour
    • Represented restaurant chain in wage and hour class action involving 3,000 class members. After four weeks of trial, obtained favorable settlement immediately prior to the close of plaintiffs’ case.
    • Represented financial services firm in FSLA class action brought by former employees who sought to certify a nationwide collective action challenging the exempt status of thousands of financial advisers.
    • Represented restaurant chain in a putative class action alleging violations of meal and rest break requirements, improper deductions from wages, inadequate wage statements and other claims.
    • Represented telecommunications company in a putative class action alleging failure to reimburse for business expenses. Denial of class certification was upheld on appeal.
    • Represented global pizza chain in a class action bought by employees claiming they did not receive bonuses they were entitled to receive under company compensation plans.
    • Successfully prosecuted several separate civil lawsuits on behalf of national and regional restaurant companies to obtain insurance coverage for settlements under wage and hour class action suits.
  • Product Liability Class Actions
    • Defeated class certification in nationwide class seeking over $100 million in property damages against plumbing parts manufacturer. Following denials of insurance coverage, successful litigation effort recovered both class action defense fees and costs and insurance litigation fees and costs.
    • Represented Hearst in a litigation against its insurer involving coverage under its media policies for an underlying class action alleging privacy violations.
    • Served as trial counsel for plaintiffs in the GM Ignition Switch Defect class action multidistrict litigation.
  • Restaurant & Food
    • Litigated and negotiated recoveries on defense and indemnity claims arising from state and federal consumer class actions alleging violations of FACTA, FCRA and the Song-Beverly Card Act for numerous nationally prominent restaurant chains.
    • Negotiated the exclusion of a winery client from a class action alleging production and sale of tainted wines by numerous California wineries.
    • Successfully defended international packaged-food companies in a class action suit alleging price-fixing.
    • Represented numerous restaurant chains in privacy litigation involving private credit card information. Obtained order denying class certification filed under FACTA filed against international restaurant chain and thereafter successfully disposed of more than a dozen other cases against other restaurants and retailers.
    • Providing ongoing representation of a major snack food company in connection with a class action suit over claims of allergens and misleading packaging.
    • Defending international coffee retailer in connection with class action filed under newly revised slack fill legislation and California Unfair Business Practices statute.
  • Antitrust and Unfair Competition Class Actions (Includes Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §17200)
    • Defended telecommunications provider in a nationwide class action alleging the company engaged in a practice known as “cramming” in which unauthorized charges are placed on a customer’s bill.
    • Representing Japanese auto parts manufacturer in connection with a multi-district class action derived from DOJ’s largest antitrust criminal investigation.
    • Represented national bank in coordinated class actions alleging the bank had rescinded “free checking” on 150,000 accounts acquired by mergers with two other banks.
    • Represented major Japanese manufacturer in navigating international criminal investigations and follow on direct and indirect purchaser class actions as well as State Attorney General parens patriae actions in connection with price-fixing in the LCD industry.
    • Representing leading American manufacturer of capacitors in direct purchaser class action alleging price-fixing.
    • Representing Japanese electronics company in direct purchaser class action and opt-out actions alleging price-fixing with respect to inductors.
  • Gift and Prepaid Cards Class Actions
    • Represented U.S. bank in a consumer class action alleging violations of California’s gift card law, Consumers Legal Remedies Act and unfair competition law in connection with its Visa®-branded gift cards.
    • Represented nationwide chain of craft stores in statewide consumer class action alleging violations of California’s gift card law and Unfair Competition Law, Business & Professions Code § §17200, et seq.
    • Defended national auto supply retailer in a California-wide consumer class action alleging the company’s gift cards included expiration dates.
    • Represented national book retailer in a California-wide consumer class action alleging the users of the company’s gift cards could not redeem card balances for cash.
    • Represented five-star hotel in its defense against a class action suit brought on behalf of purchasers of gift cards and certificates.
    • Helped national home improvement retailer successfully resolve a series of consumer class actions challenging the store’s current and former gift cards, resolving all cases by successful motions or minor settlements.
    • Defended three large buffet chains in a class action suit concerning gift certificate expiration issues.
    • Defended numerous private lawyer general and class action lawsuits challenging gift card policies.

Practice Area Highlights

  • Pillsbury is recognized as among the most feared law firms for litigation by BTI Consulting Group.
  • Most major firms in the world are conflicted in advising on and litigating the insurance coverage aspects of any of these class actions. We are not. Pillsbury’s top-rated Insurance Recovery& Advisory team helps clients facing class action exposure obtain the full benefit of the insurance coverage they purchased.
  • Our class action lawyers have notched material wins in dozens of privacy class actions across the country.