Inflation Reduction Act FAQ

  • What Tax Credits Are Offered by the IRA?
    • The IRA typically offers one-time tax credits based on a percentage of a taxpayer’s investment in a qualifying clean energy investment (Investment Credits) and tax credits over a period of years, based on a percentage of a taxpayer’s clean energy production activity (Production Credits). 
  • What Industries Benefit from the IRA?
    • Given the number of tax credits available under the IRA, the associated financial benefits will extend to many industries, including renewable electricity, green hydrogen, sustainable aviation fuels and biofuels, and nuclear energy facilities.
  • What Are the Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements?
    • Most of the tax credits available under the IRA include both a base rate and a “5 times multiplier,” with the latter conditioned on satisfaction of prevailing wage and apprenticeship (PW&A) requirements in connection with the construction, alteration or repair of a qualifying facility. 
  • What Are Bonus Credits?
    • Some renewable energy tax credits, specifically including the ITC, PTC, CEIC and CEPC, offer enhancements in the form of bonus credits (or “adders”) in certain circumstances. 

Read more about these and other IRA frequently asked questions.