Article 08.20.24
Insolvency Issues in Real Estate
Pillsbury insights on insolvency-related solutions, obstacles and precedents for owners, landlords and lenders to consider.
The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has radically disrupted routines, priorities, and economies the world over.
Pillsbury has been advising business leaders on COVID-19 and related issues, including the economic impact of the pandemic, from the beginning. Now, as the public and private sectors struggle to balance the protection of individual health and safety with efforts to enable economic recovery, we are helping companies navigate the unprecedented uncertainty that lies ahead.
Combining extensive global capabilities across practices and industries, our Response Team provides clients with critical guidance on reopening and remote work, financial strategies and government stimulus programs, disputes of all kinds and government investigations, and the transformation across industries of business models, workplace norms, technologies, and public policy.
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