Alert 01.28.25
Pillsbury’s Distressed Real Estate task force brings together practitioners from a number of core areas, including Real Estate, Insolvency and Restructuring, Litigation, Financial Services Regulation, Structured Finance, Tax, Insurance and Environmental law to draw on its members’ decades of experience in representing clients in distressed real estate situations. This collaboration is also expressed in the series of talks the group has put on as part of its Swimming Lesson Series–Surviving and Navigating the Choppy Waters of Distressed Real Estate.
The group works together across disciplines to develop practical, efficient and effective business solutions—driven by cash flow and value propositions—for lenders, investors, owners, operators and others facing real estate related distress, insolvency and bankruptcy exposure.
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For example, when litigation or bankruptcy can be avoided our distressed real estate lawyers work together on:
When litigation or bankruptcy cannot be avoided, our real estate, insolvency, and litigation lawyers join forces to:
Our task force lawyers understand the real estate industry and are intimately familiar with underwriting and valuation principles. We team with other established professionals—including MAI appraisers, brokers, financial advisors and are well-versed in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). We work with leading real estate appraisers and other valuation experts to develop defensible positions on value and assess and challenge competing positions when necessary. We also partner with knowledgeable and experienced brokers and financial advisors to craft optimal processes, under the prevailing circumstances, for marketing real estate and related investments.
Representing Lenders & Creditors
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