With 85 attorneys ranked in the 2013 edition of Legal 500 US, in total, Pillsbury racked up 92 individual rankings and 20 practice rankings, including newly ranked White-Collar Criminal Defense. Practices noted include Antitrust; Asset Finance; Construction (includes litigation); Data Protection & Privacy; Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation; Environmental Litigation; Land Use/Zoning; M&A: Middle Market; Outsourcing; Intellectual Property: Patent Licensing; Intellectual Property: Patent Litigation; Intellectual Property: Patent Prosecution; Intellectual Property: Trademarks Litigation; Real Estate; Domestic Tax: East Coast; Domestic Tax: West Coast; Tax Controversy; Telecoms and Broadcast: Regulatory and Venture Capital.

34 Pillsbury attorneys made the list for the first time. In addition, eight Pillsbury attorneys were recognized as “Leading Lawyers,” the top ranking given to individuals: Jay Gould (Alternative/hedge funds), Jim Alberg and Bob Zahler (Outsourcing) John Heisse (Real Estate & Construction Litigation), Donald Kilpatrick (M&A: Middle Market), Susan Serota (Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation), Jeff Vesely (Domestic Tax) and Chris Wall (International Trade).

The complete list of Pillsbury lawyers ranked for 2013 Legal 500 US are:

Jay Gould (Alternative/Hedge Funds); Bill Bowers (New), Payson Coleman, Mark Lessard (New), Charlotta Otterbeck, Michael Schumaecker (Asset Finance and Leasing); Terry Callan, Michael Kass, Roxane Polidora, Michael Sibarium, Jake Sorensen, Bill Sullivan, Joe Tiffany (Antitrust); Allen Briskin, Gerry Hinkley, Jenna Karadbil (New), Josh Konvisser (New), Scott Landau (New), Catherine Meyer, Deborah Thoren-Peden, Rene Siemens, David Stanton (Data Protection and Privacy); Julie Divola, Kevin Giordano (New), Dana Newman (New), Harsha Reddy, Brian Wainwright (New), Jeff Vesely (Domestic Tax); Peter Hunt, Mark Jones (New), Scott Landau, Susan Serota (Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation); Dave Dekker (New), John Heisse, Rob James (Construction); Tom Campbell (New), Chris McNevin (Environment: Litigation); Chris Wall (International Trade); Ron Van Buskirk, Bob Herr (New), Gregg Miller (New) (Land Use/Zoning); Nathaniel Cartmell, Donald Kilpatrick (New), Bob Robbins (Middle Market M&A); Jack Barufka, Raj Davé (Patent Prosecution); Jack Barufka, Patrick Doody, Jim Gatto (Patent Licensing & Transactional); Jim Alberg, John Barton, Brian Bodor (New), Jeffery Hutchings (New), Joseph Kendall, Josh Konvisser (New), Michael Murphy, Aaron Oser, Michael Steinig (New), Robert Zahler, Elizabeth Zimmer (New) (Outsourcing); Jill Block, Laura Hannusch, Bob Herr, Rachel Horsch (New), Gregg Miller (New), Frederick Minnes (New), Alan Pomerantz (Real Estate); Bill Bonano, James Chudy (New), Jeff Vesely (Tax Controversy); John Hane, Cliff Harrington, Bruce Jacobs, Andrew Kersting (New), Tom Loran (New), Lew Paper (New), Glenn Richards (New), Richard Zaragoza (Telecoms & Broadcast); Bobby Ghajar, Mark Litvack (Trademarks: Litigation); Craig Chason, Jorge del Calvo, Ronald Fleming, Christian Salaman, Mike Sullivan (New), Tom Thomas (Venture Capital and Emerging Growth); Derek Andreson (New), Mark Hellerer (New), Tom Hill (New), Bill Sullivan (New) (White-Collar Criminal Defense).

About Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Pillsbury is a full-service law firm with an industry focus on energy & natural resources, financial services including financial institutions, real estate & construction, and technology. Based in the world's major financial, technology and energy centers, Pillsbury counsels clients on global business, regulatory and litigation matters. We work in multidisciplinary teams that allow us to understand our clients’ objectives, anticipate trends and bring a 360-degree perspective to complex business and legal issues—helping clients to take greater advantage of new opportunities, meet and exceed their objectives and better mitigate risk. This collaborative work style helps produce the results our clients seek.