Representative Experience

  • Organized and represented nuclear industry coalition, known as the Ad Hoc Utilities Group (AHUG), with unique standing in novel trade remedy dispute involving whether sales of services could be subject to the antidumping laws before DOC, ITC, CIT, CAFC and the first antidumping case at the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Represented U.S. fabricator in DOC administrative reviews and changed circumstances review related to an antidumping duty order’s certification and reexport requirements involving impact of Japanese tsunami on reexport requirements.
  • Advised Mexican government on settlement agreement in Cement from Mexico, resolving a complex trade dispute that lasted many years and involved administrative litigation, judicial appeals and WTO disputes.

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  • Nuclear Energy
    • Advised a multinational energy provider regarding strategic options in connection with foreign competitor compliance in a trade remedies case.
    • Successfully opposed imposition of tariffs or quotas on U.S. uranium imports on behalf of the AHUG coalition in Section 232 investigation on imports of uranium products, including engagement in public policy at high levels with multiple government agencies and the White House, advocacy before the Departments of Commerce, Defense, State and Energy, including in the Section 232 comments process, and analysis of potential remedies.
    • Represented a U.S. nuclear fuel fabricator in DOC administrative reviews and changed circumstances review related to an antidumping duty order’s certification and reexport requirements involving impact of the Japanese tsunami on reexport requirements.
    • Represented AHUG in a trade remedy dispute involving multiple sunset reviews and suspension agreement compliance in the Uranium from Russia case before the DOC, ITC and CIT; subsequently advised coalition on suspension agreement negotiations and administrative reviews dealing with novel questions regarding termination, price suppression and public interest.
    • Represented a U.S. fabricator on Section 232 investigation on uranium imports, including responses to industry surveys and advocacy before the DOC.
    • Advised U.S. nuclear utilities in Uranium from Kazakhstan Suspension Agreement and Resumed Investigation involving novel issues related to the breakup of the Soviet Union and whether uranium stockpiles were of Russian or Kazak origin.
    • Analyzed antidumping risk of proposed nuclear fuel supply bids.
    • Successfully obtained rare Department of Commerce approval for Japanese utility for uranium “swap” and reexport transaction under the Russian Suspension Agreement.

    • Represent a nuclear engineering and manufacturing company before the Court of International Trade in challenge to import duties on products from China under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974.

  • Food & Agriculture
    • Represented the Government of New Brunswick in a countervailing duty case involving Softwood Lumber Products from Canada.
    • Represented the Government of Mexico in an Administrative Review of Suspension Agreement in Sugar from Mexico.
    • Represent the Government of Mexico in global safeguard proceedings on imports of fresh, chilled and frozen blueberries under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 before the International Trade Commission.
    • Represented a Thai company in Canned Pineapple Fruit from Thailand in an antidumping case before the DOC and the ITC.
  • Manufacturing
    • Advised the Mexican government on settlement agreement in Cement from Mexico, resolving a complex trade dispute that had lasted many years and involved administrative litigation, judicial appeals and WTO disputes.
    • Advised a large real estate investment trust regarding the scope of various antidumping and countervailing duty orders to determine the impact on relevant products.
    • Successfully opposed tariffs on behalf of European crane manufacturer in Department of Commerce Section 232 investigation on mobile cranes.
    • Obtained the first ever new shipper review in Antifriction Bearings from Germany, Italy, Sweden and Japan.
    • Represented multiple Brazilian steel companies in antidumping and countervailing duty cases involving Flat-Rolled Carbon Steel Products from Brazil. Cases involved novel issues of the treatment of pre-privatization subsidies to post-privatized entities and involved appeals to the CIT and CAFC.
    • Represented the Dutch subsidiary of a Japanese parent company in antidumping case on Color Negative Photographic Paper and Chemical Components. Advised our client on Section 301 investigation related to alleged trade barriers in Japan.
    • Represented a tire producer in antidumping proceeding involving tires from China.
    • Represented the Government of New Brunswick in the countervailing duty investigation of Certain Fabricated Structural Steel from Canada.
    • Advised a U.S. company on options for antidumping relief in relation to pipe imports.
    • Represented a Finnish producer and supplier of technologies, automation and services in U.S. Trade Representative proceedings concerning potential tariff increases on Chinese products in connection with Section 301 investigation on China’s intellectual property practices. Represent producer in challenge to Section 301 duties before Court of International Trade.
    • Representing several companies before the Court of International Trade in challenge to import duties on products from China under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. Clients represent a broad range of industries including manufacturers of pipe fittings, machinery, computer hardware, electronics and telecommunications, consumer products and sporting goods.
  • Real Estate
    • Advised a large real estate investment trust regarding the scope of various antidumping and countervailing duty orders to determine the impact on relevant products.

Practice Area Highlights

  • Pillsbury’s International Trade practice is nationally ranked by Chambers USA and internationally recognized by Chambers Global for our Export Controls & Economic Sanctions, CFIUS, and Trade Remedies & Trade Policy work.
  • Pillsbury received U.S. News/Best Lawyers recognition for International Trade & Finance.
  • Recognized in 2024 by The Legal 500 U.S. for the breadth of our International Trade capabilities across three categories: CFIUS; Customs, Export Controls and Economic Sanctions; and Trade Remedies and Trade Policy. Client testimonial hails the Pillsbury International Trade team as “…a well-unified, collaborative team that leverages each other’s knowledge based to demonstrate ‘big picture’ understanding as well as specialized advice within categories of issues.”