Press Release
Press Release
Press Contacts: Erik Cummins, Matt Hyams, Taina Rosa, Olivia Thomas
Pillsbury advised Dexis Consulting Group, a global government contracting professional services firm that provides international and professional services to federal government customers, in its recent partnership with CM Equity Partners. According to Dexis’ press release, CM Equity Partners is providing financial backing to support Dexis’ future growth in the federal civilian marketplace. Dexis will continue to be led by Mihir Desai as the CEO and Mark McEuen as the COO. Dexis’ clients include the State Department, USAID, the Center for Disease Control and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
To learn more about the transaction, click here.
Pillsbury Corporate partner Ellen Grady led the Pillsbury deal team, which included Corporate associate Pranav Gangele, Tax partner Julie Divola, Executive Compensation & Benefits partner Laura McDaniels and Employment Law partner Rebecca Carr Rizzo. Government Contracts & Disputes partner John Jensen advised on government contracting issues.