Sources praise June Yeum for profound experience and knowledge in international arbitration.
Chambers Global 2021

June Yeum routinely acts as an advisor to clients on disputes avoidance and early resolution of commercial cross-border disputes and as lead counsel in international arbitration and ancillary court proceedings.

June Yeum has practiced cross-border disputes resolution since 1999. She is also an adjunct professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, teaching two international arbitration classes. June has been highly ranked in Chambers Global and The Legal 500 since 2014, earning accolades including “exceptional advocate” (Chambers Global 2015), “standout practitioner and fierce negotiator” (Chambers Asia-Pacific 2015), and “an outstanding lawyer with great advocacy skills and a strategic mindset” (Chambers Asia-Pacific 2020). Her focus has been on general commercial cross-border disputes, licensing, infrastructure arbitration and ancillary court proceedings, as well as advising clients on disputes avoidance and early resolution. Her practice locales include New York (approx. 18 years), Singapore (approx. five years) and Seoul (approx. two years).

Representative Experience

June Yeum’s cross-border disputes avoidance and management experiences include the following:

  • Served as decades-long advisor to several Asian multinational corporations on disputes avoidance and early resolution, obtaining successful pre-suit resolution of major commercial cross-border disputes.  
  • Argued and won decision as lead counsel in matter of first impression before U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit involving availability of pre-filing attachment relief in aid of foreign arbitration under Louisiana law. Stemcor USA Inc. v. Cia Siderurgica do Par (5th Cir. 2018).
  • Obtained full recovery of principal claim of U.S.$110 million and dismissal of U.S.$230 million counterclaim as lead counsel in Singapore arbitration over equipment failure and loan guaranty disputes; obtained freeze order against non-party garnishee and alter ego respondents in New York State Supreme Court. DPSIP v. GMR Infrastructure (N.Y. Co. Sup. 2019).

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  • Issued jurisdictional and final merits awards as sole arbitrator appointed by Singapore International Arbitration Centre in arbitration between Japanese and Filipino parties involving agency and licensing disputes.
  • Obtained award in favor of subsidiary of global energy company, dismissing U.S.$32 million claims in their entirety and obtaining cost award, in arbitration involving termination of distributorship agreement and co-development of medical software in Saudi Arabia.
  • Served as sole arbitrator in ICDR/AAA arbitration between U.S. and Indian parties relating to data breach and and technology transfer issues.
  • Obtained dismissal of claims in New York federal court action and favorable settlement on behalf of New York-based architecture firm in three parallel litigation matters over failed joint venture (S.D.N.Y.).
  • Served as sole arbitrator in SIAC arbitration between Singapore and U.S. parties over trademark and trade secret disputes.
  • Served as emergency arbitrator appointed by AAA in funding and confidentiality disputes in arbitration seated in New York City.
  • Issued final award as co-arbitrator in AAA arbitration over breach of license agreement and trademark disputes.
  • Obtained pre-discovery settlement in New Jersey state court litigation upon filing of motion to dismiss claims involving inventor compensation and royalties relating to commercialization of drug (N.J. Superior Court, Bergen County).
  • Obtained favorable settlement on behalf of major Japanese solar panel manufacturer at early stage of HKIAC arbitration seated in Hong Kong over long-term distribution contract disputes with Korean distributor.
  • Advised leading U.S. architecture firm in design and funding contract disputes over high-profile construction project in Seoul, Korea.
  • Advised leading manufacturer of 510K-cleared RF devices in mediation and settlement negotiations over breaches of reps and warranties.
  • Advised multinational energy company relating to viability of ICSID investor state arbitration relating to mining project in Asia-Pacific region.
  • Served as arbitrator relating to Australian medical aesthetics equipment under UNCITRAL Rules.
  • Handled ICC arbitration on behalf of major construction and engineering company against a bank in Thailand over guaranty issues; obtained dismissal upon favorable ruling in parallel proceedings.
  • Handled three ad hoc arbitration matters seated in Stockholm on behalf of leading global trading company against Russian entities under UNCITRAL Rules.
  • Issued jurisdictional and final awards as arbitrator in KCAB arbitration seated in Seoul over contract termination and breach of warranty issues between U.S. and Korean parties.
  • Defended Section 1782 proceeding on behalf of Russian client in New York federal court (S.D.N.Y.).
  • Handled adversary proceedings on behalf of leading Korean financial institution in Circuit City chapter 11 bankruptcy in New York Southern Bankruptcy Court.
  • Obtained pair of awards and recovered costs in AAA/ICDR arbitration seated in New York against U.K. partnership and non-signatory group of Brazilian investors by piercing corporate veil over minimum purchase requirement and indemnification; obtained temporary restraining order and pre-arbitration attachment in New York State Supreme Court.
  • Won ICC arbitration in Washington, DC, in favor of Asian conglomerate involving milestones and liquidated damages; successfully defended motion to dismiss in parallel proceedings before Virginia federal court.
  • Obtained dismissal and favorable settlement of claims asserted against multinational telecom company in ICC arbitration over licensing and warranty damages.
  • Obtained complete recovery sought by a leading export insurance agency in AAA arbitration over subrogated claims involving warranties and equipment failure.
  • Procured dismissal of 95% of claims asserted in New Jersey state court over royalty issues.
  • Obtained confirmation of London award against Indonesian conglomerate with no New York connection in New York State Supreme Court (4th Dep’t).
  • Obtained requested emergency relief on behalf of U.S. bank in New York state court (N.Y.Co. Sup. 2008).
  • Defended claims asserted against U.S. health care provider in litigation in New York state court.
  • Won summary judgment in favor of U.S. financial institution in real estate dispute in New York state court (N.Y. Co. Sup. 2007).
  • Obtained early settlement on behalf of Japanese solar energy company for small fraction of asserted damages in HKIAC arbitration.

Professional Highlights

  • Adjunct professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
  • Referred to as “an outstanding lawyer” who “presents excellent ideas to solve problems and helps find a breakthrough when we are deadlocked.” (Chambers Global 2019)
  • International Arbitration, Singapore: June received a recommendation for her “fine record in infrastructure and construction disputes.” (The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2019)

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  • Honors & Accolades
    • Recognized by Best Lawyers for International Arbitration – Commercial (2024 – 2025).
    • Named as a Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyer (2025)
    • June Yeum “is an international arbitration specialist who offers valuable and extensive experience of having acted both as an arbitration counsel and as an arbitrator of disputes arising in the construction and energy spaces, among others.” (Chambers Global)
    • Ranked in Band 1 for Dispute Resolution category in South Korea and Band 4 in Arbitration category in Singapore. (Chambers Asia Pacific 2014 and 2015)
    • “Well versed in international arbitration procedure … proactive and diligent.” (Chambers Asia Pacific 2018)
    • Singapore-based June Yeum provides “outstanding quality of work and commitment.” (The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2018)
    • “Recommended Lawyer” in Singapore International Arbitration category. (The Legal 500 (2016))
    • One of eight lawyers in Singapore in-house community recognized as Commended External Counsel of the Year (2017).
    • June is “one of a handful of go-to individuals in the field.” (Chambers Asia Pacific)
    • International arbitration – Singapore, Tier 3. (The Legal 500 Asia Pacific)
    • An “exceptional advocate.” (Chambers Global)
    • A “standout practitioner and fierce negotiator ... genuinely concerned about what the right strategy is to resolve the dispute.” (Chambers Asia Pacific)
    • Recognized as a “Leading Individual” in Dispute Resolution category. (The Legal 500 Asia Pacific)
    • “An outstanding lawyer with great advocacy skills and a strategic mindset” who “always provides us with the full support of her skills, expertise and commitment.” (Chambers Asia Pacific)
  • Appointments & Associations
    • Appointed to list of arbitrators, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)
    • Arbitrator, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
    • Appointed to panel of arbitrators, The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA)
    • Appointed to panel of arbitrators, Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC)
    • Appointed to panel of arbitrators, International Centre for Dispute Resolution/American Arbitration Association (ICDR/AAA)
    • Appointed panelist, KORUS Free Trade Agreement
    • Appointed to CPR Panels of Distinguished Neutrals
    • Appointed to the New York City Bar Association (NYCBA)’s Arbitration and Mediation Panels for Attorney Disputes
    • Appointed to panel of arbitrators, Indonesia BANI Arbitration Center
    • Appointed to panel of international arbitrators, Korea Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB)
    • Appointed neutral/panelist, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    • Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb), London, UK
    • Fellow, Malaysian Institute of Arbitrators (MIArb)
    • Admitted to practice as foreign lawyer, Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) Court in Kazakhstan
    • Invited member, SIAC Users’ Council
    • Member, Comparative and Foreign Committee of the New York City Bar Association
    • Member, International Commercial Disputes Committee of the New York City Bar Association
  • Selected Speaking Engagements
    • “Subconscious Influences in International Arbitration,” The 27th Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) Workshop, Dallas, Texas, June 2015. Panelist.
    • “Arbitration in Asia,” International Arbitration Workshop, Yale Club, New York, New York, July 2016. Moderator.
    • “International Arbitration – Jurisdictional Challenge,” International Arbitration Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2016. Speaker.
    • “User’s Guide to the SIAC Rules 2016,” SIAC Rules 2016 Roadshow, Tokyo, Japan, September 2016. Speaker.
    • “Civil and Common Law Approaches to the Arbitral Process and Practical Tips for Enforcement of Arbitral Awards,” SIAC Conference on Managing Risks with International Arbitration, Tokyo, Japan, November 2015. Moderator.
    • “Our Road Ahead in the Next Decade,” APRAG 10th Anniversary Conference, Melbourne, Australia, February 2014. Panelist.
    • “Introducing Singapore Arbitration,” New York City Bar Comparative Law Committee Workshop, New York, New York, February 2016. Moderator.
    • “Assessment of Damages in Construction Disputes,” SIAC Conference on Damages in International Arbitration, Seoul, Korea, June 2018. Lecturer.
    • “Best Practices in Samsung’s Arbitration Clauses,” Samsung Group Incoming In-House Counsel Training, Seoul, Korea, May 2014. Lecturer.
    • “A Call for a Greater Predictability in Korean Arbitral Jurisprudence,” ICC Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea, May 2014. Speaker.
    • “Best Practices in Pre-Litigation Management and Early Case Assessment,” KCAB/KOCHAM Seminar, Seoul, Korea, May 2014. Lecturer.
    • “Resolving Intellectual Property Disputes in International Arbitration,” Korea Chamber of Commerce Seminar, Seoul, September 2014. Speaker.
    • “Bridging Cultures in Arbitration,” IPBA Regional Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013. Speaker.
    • “Arbitrating Intellectual Property Issues,” International Arbitration Expert Program, 2012. Speaker.
    • “ICSID Arbitration – Procedural Mechanism,” Trade Association, New York, New York, 2011. Moderator.
    • “Current Landscape and Probable Future of Arbitration in Southeast Asia,” International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Arbitration Conference, Hong Kong, 2011. Speaker.
    • “Discovery in U.S. Courts-What to Expect,” Chicago, Illinois, 2010. Speaker.
    • “Litigation in the U.S. Involving Asian-Pacific Companies,” Fourth Annual Dispute Resolution Summit, Singapore, 2009. Speaker.
    • “Defining “Best Practices of International Arbitration for Asia” I: Preliminary and Pleading Stages,” Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group (APRAG) Conference 2009, Seoul, 2009. Speaker.
    • “Fundamentals of International Commercial Arbitration,” Harvard University, Boston, MA, 2009. Lecturer.
    • “Expert Evidence from American Legal Perspective,” Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Disputes Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 2008. Speaker.
    • “Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Immunity in International Arbitration: Common Law and Civil Law Divide,” International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Arbitration Conference, Seoul, 2006. Panelist.
  • Selected Publications
    • “Cross-Cultural Approaches to Advocacy and Arbitral Decision-Making,” World Arbitration & Mediation Review, Vol. 9 No. 4 pp 391 – 402, 2015.
    • “Our Road Ahead in the Next Decade: Don’t Be Such a Cassandra,” Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group Quarterly Newsletter, June 2014.
    • “The Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook 2013—2015, Korea Chapter,” Juris Publishing (2013).
    • “Examining the Utility of IP Carve-Outs in Light of Recent Developments in U.S. Jurisprudence and International Arbitration,” Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Journal, 78 Arbitration 279-285, Sweet & Maxwell, 2012.
    • “Pre- and Post-Arbitration Enforcement Measures in U.S. Courts,” KCAB Arbitration Journal 331, 2010.
    • “Caught in the Corporate Web: Triangular Setoffs and the Cross-Border Lehman Bankruptcy,” International Bar Association (IBA) Asia Pacific Regional Forum, 2009.
    • “What an Asian Company Needs to Know About Enforcing Arbitral Awards in the United States,” Asian Dispute Review, Hong Kong, 2005.


  • J.D., Georgetown University Law Center, 1999
    Interim Notes Editor, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review

    Diploma, Université de Caen, Normandie, 1989
    French Studies

    B.A., Yonsei University, 1992


  • New York


  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

    U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

    U.S. Court of International Trade

    U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York

    U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York

    Singapore International Commercial Court


  • Law Clerk, U.S. Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C.


  • Korean