Awards & Rankings
Awards & Rankings
Press Contacts: Erik Cummins, Matt Hyams, Taina Rosa, Olivia Thomas
Pillsbury is pleased to announce that 27 of the firm’s lawyers have been listed as Acritas Stars. The Star designation is a result of clients deeming these lawyers the most outstanding they have worked in the past year in their responses to the annual Acritas Sharplegal survey of more than 4,300 general counsel. As a result of its GC surveys and subsequent analysis, Acritas identifies compelling evidence of the strong impact these stand-out lawyers have on improving client satisfaction, increasing client advocacy, strengthening the firm’s brand and enhancing firm profitability.
The following Pillsbury lawyers were named as Stars by survey respondents:
Anna Graves—Corporate, Los Angeles
Benjamin Dean—Global Sourcing & Technology Transactions, Washington, DC
Bryan Collins—Intellectual Property, N. Virginia
Charles Donley—Aviation, Aerospace & Transportation, Washington, DC
Craig Chason—Corporate, N. Virginia
David Tsai—Intellectual Property, San Francisco & Taipei
Deborah Thoren-Peden—Corporate, Los Angeles
Donald Kilpatrick—Corporate, New York
Gurpreet Bal—Corporate, Silicon Valley
James Masetti—Corporate, Silicon Valley
James Dick—Litigation, Washington, DC
Jay Silberg—Energy, Washington, DC
June Yeum—International Arbitration, New York
Mario Galeno—Corporate Investigations & White Collar Defense, New York
Mark Lessard—Finance, New York
Melissa Lesmes—Litigation, Washington, DC
Michael Evan Jaffe—Litigation, Washington, DC
Michael Finnegan—Litigation, Los Angeles
Michael Heuga—Corporate, San Francisco
Noa Clark—Real Estate, San Francisco
Richard Evans—Finance, Los Angeles
Stephan Becker—International Trade, Washington, DC
Thomas Liu—Employment Law, Los Angeles
Thomas Loran—Litigation, San Francisco
William Atkins—Intellectual Property, N. Virginia
Charles Conrad—Litigation, Houston