Awards & Rankings
Awards & Rankings
Press Contacts: Erik Cummins, Matt Hyams, Taina Rosa, Olivia Thomas
The Burton Awards has recognized Pillsbury associates Ashleigh Acevedo and Eric Moorman and senior counsel Norman Carlin among the finest law firm writers of 2019. The authors have been honored for their article “States Shift From Seawalls to Living Shorelines," which appeared last year in Bloomberg BNA’s Environment & Energy Report.
The winners, who will be presented the Law360 Distinguished Legal Writing Awards on June 8, were chosen among the many nominations submitted by the nation’s top 1,000 largest law firms.
“Clear, compelling writing is essential for all lawyers. Law360 is proud to be associated with these awards, where the best of the best writers in the legal profession are recognized,” said Rachel Travers, general manager of Law360. “Hats off to the nominees and award winners for demonstrating their writing talents and maintaining the highest standards of excellence.”
As senior counsel in the San Francisco office’s Environmental & Natural Resources practice, Carlin helps industry, developer and public agency clients navigate environmental impact review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Additionally, Carlin was honored with the Law360 Distinguished Legal Writing Awards in 2017, for his work on “Adapting to Climate Adaptation: Implications and Opportunities for the Private Sector."
As an Environmental practice associate for the San Francisco office, Moorman advises transportation and energy clients on environmental review under CEQA and NEPA, as well as issues arising under the California Coastal Act, Clean Water Act and the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).
Based in the Houston office, Acevedo counsels clients on an array of environmental regulatory and transactional matters, including contamination investigations, remedial actions, natural resource damages, compliance counseling, project permitting and planning, diligence and project impacts mitigation and restoration.
The Burton Awards are run in association with the Library of Congress, Law360 and the American Bar Association. Nominations are submitted by law firms and include exemplary articles that have been published by their lawyers during the past year. Out of the 1,000 largest law firms in the United States, only 30 winners are selected. This year’s awards ceremony and gala will feature a performance by singer, songwriter, actor and author, Sara Bareilles, and world-class entertainer Oz Pearlman.