Taishu Pitt plays a key role in advising clients exposed to economic security risks, providing critical guidance at the intersection of international trade and national security.

Taishu represents Japanese clients on all major U.S. trade remedy cases initiated by the U.S. Department of Commerce. He also defends clients in safeguard and injury proceedings before the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) and in U.S. court appeals and EU antidumping investigations.

In addition to the trade remedy work, he advises companies on compliance with export controls, OFAC sanctions, CFIUS reviews and facility clearance applications, helping clients navigate complex regulatory requirements.

Taishu is not admitted to practice law in DC. He is being supervised by members of the DC bar.

Representative Experience

  • Obtained a successful judgement at the U.S. Court of International Trade for a Japanese steel company challenging the U.S. Department of Commerce’s decision in an antidumping review proceeding.
  • Advised a sovereign-backed strategic investment entity on CFIUS risks in cross-border M&A transactions, and recommended mitigation strategies to ensure regulatory approval.
  • Secured a no-action letter from the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) for a European multinational corporation in its voluntary self-disclosure of export control violations, avoiding penalties for the client.

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  • Represented Japanese steel and aluminum plate manufacturers in antidumping and countervailing duty (AD/CVD) cases before the U.S. Department of Commerce and USITC.
  • Defended multinational companies in Section 232 and 301 tariff exclusion requests and public comments procedures, successfully securing duty exclusions on key industrial products.
  • Represented clients in USITC safeguard investigations concerning solar modules and blueberries.
  • Worked on facility clearance applications to enable U.S. subsidiaries of a European company to participate in U.S. government contracts.
  • Prepared and submitted a specific license application to OFAC on behalf of a multinational company seeking authorization for transactions restricted under Russia-related sanctions.

Professional Highlights

  • “CFIUS Reviews Should Be Subject to Judicial Scrutiny: Lessons from the Blocking of Nippon Steel’s Acquisition of U.S. Steel,” Council on Foreign Relations, 2/12/2025.
  • “Trade Protection Without Trade Promotion: Why Tightening Trade Rules Alone Would Not Strengthen U.S. Economic Security,” Council on Foreign Relations, 11/4/2024.

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  • Associations
    • Pacific Forum
    • Institute of International Economic Law Fellowship
    • ABA


  • LL.M., Georgetown University Law Center, 2021
    WTO & International Trade Studies

    M.A., American University, 2017
    International Affairs

    LL.B., Chuo University, 2015


  • Tennessee


  • Japanese