Representative Experience

  • Advised the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) on P3 and adjacent structures,  including procurement, contracting and counseling on integrated delivery of major expansion proposals, new vehicle procurement, and energy-efficiency and renewable-generation projects.
  • Represented Hoffman-Madison Waterfront in a $2.3 billion P3 to develop The Wharf, a 2 million square foot mixed-use project on the Potomac River in Washington, DC. recently securing $847 million loan.
  • Advised Edgemoor Infrastructure and Real Estate on the development of a new single terminal for the Kansas City International Airport.

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  • Represented Los Angeles Unified School District, as lead facilities and real estate counsel, in its high-profile Ambassador Hotel project involving the acquisition and redevelopment of the historic landmark for development of a school academy.
  • Advised Los Angeles Unified School District in connection with the development of more than 30 PV solar projects on school and administrative sites.
  • Represented the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) on a P3 project with Motorola to expand WYDOT’s statewide Wyolink emergency communications system, and restructure its maintenance and support agreement with Motorola for the network. Our role includes drafting and negotiating the agreements to design, construct, and equip sixteen new communications towers, and to integrate these towers within the existing network and maintenance/support arrangement.
  • Advised the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority on two P3 sourcing transactions, one for the long-term operation and maintenance of major bus transit center and a second for rail facilities.
  • Represented Idaho Water Resources Board (IWRB) for a proposed DBOM lease and operating agreement for the development of a new water supply and water treatment system connecting the Snake River with the Mountain Home Air Force Base. This project entailed evaluation of federal as well as state development, contracting and finance criteria. 
  • Represented Clark Construction as design-build contractor to Long Beach Judicial Partners, the DBFOM P3 concessionaire for the Long Beach Courthouse. This Meridiam-funded project is considered the first privately funded social infrastructure project in California and the first U.S. P3 courthouse.
  • Represented Edgemoor/McCarthy Cook Partners as ground lessee, building lessor and concessionaire for the $200 million University of California at San Francisco Neurosciences Center. The project makes use of the innovative PPP techniques directed by the University of California Regents.
  • Advised Kansas University (KU) during every phase of its first P3. The project delivered a 9 building mixed-use redevelopment of the heart of KU’s campus, which added state of the art academic, housing, student life, utility and parking facilities by a $350 million tax-exempt bond financing.
  • Represented the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) on environmental permitting, regulatory and related aspects of a proposed DBFOM P3 concession and lease agreement for the Oakland Airport Connector (OAC) monorail system from the BART system into the Oakland Airport commercial passenger terminals. When the project converted to traditional procurement, Pillsbury also advised BART on procurement aspects.
  • Pillsbury was selected for the panel for counsel to the Regents of the University of California on residential and mixed-use developments at University of California campuses. These projects utilize PPP leases, DBFOM agreements, and other innovative project delivery techniques in urban as well as suburban settings.
  • Represented the winning consortium in its bid for the Howard County Maryland Courthouse Complex P3 project.
  • Represented Golden Link Concessionaire, the owner of the Presidio Parkway project with respect to operation and construction legal issues.
  • Represented the University of Kansas on the Central District Development project, involving the development and long-term operation of various improvements including academic facilities, student housing, utilities and parking.
  • Represented the sponsor of the Dulles Greenway in the development and financing of the project, and  continue to advise on day-to-day project operations.

Practice Area Highlights

Awards & Recognition

  • The 2022 edition of U.S. News & World Report ranked 96 of our practices #1 in their category, including Construction, Energy, Environmental, Real Estate, Tax, M&A, Securitization and Structured Finance, Corporate, Banking & Finance, IT and Commercial Litigation.
  • Pillsbury lawyers received 225 rankings in the 2021 edition of Best Lawyers in America.
  • Pillsbury has received more than a dozen “Deal of the Year” awards for energy and project finance transactions since 2002, including projects in North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia.

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  • The Legal 500 has ranked our Project Finance practice among the top in the United States since 2014.
  • Chambers and Partners Global has ranked Pillsbury among the top firms for Project Finance since 2015.
  • Chambers USA 2021 ranked Pillsbury as a leader in 43 practice areas across the country, with 92 Pillsbury lawyers earning 107 individual recognitions including rankings in the categories of Construction, Energy, Environment and International Trade.
  • The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021 listed Pillsbury as a leader in Tokyo in the Projects & Energy category.
  • Chambers Asia Pacific 2021 ranks Pillsbury’s Asset Finance, Construction and Projects & Energy practices among the Asia-Pacific’s finest.