Our team has advised on numerous game-changing and precedent-setting crises, including:
- Advised an international oil and gas exploration and production company on health and safety matters, incident investigations, responding to government investigations, process safety compliance and corporate oversight of process safety performance.
- Represented one of the largest North American producers of biofuels in OSHA investigations and facility operations audits following two fires at its Louisiana facility that caused substantial property damage and injured six workers.
- Represented the owner and operator of Three Mile Island during and after the accident.
- Advised clients on more than 100 oil spills, including the 2010 Gulf oil spill, the Exxon Valdez spill, the Berman spill in Puerto Rico and the Arco pipeline spill in Indiana.
- Represented company in management of reputational issues that placed in jeopardy the proposed development and tax-exempt bond financing of major state-of-the-art fertilizer plant project to be constructed in Indiana. Matter valued at $2.4 billion.
- Represented one of the largest North American producers of biofuels in relation to refinery fires, plant shutdown and subsequent restart of refining operations.
- Represented Teck Metals Ltd. in developing and successfully negotiating transnational agreement with the EPA and DOJ in a cross-border contamination case involving discharges from a mining and smelting facility in Canada.
- During his NOAA tenure, our Crisis Management team leader played a key role in the U.S. government’s Exxon Valdez oil spill response, led federal assessment of the NRD claim and achieved a $1 billion settlement.
- Successfully resolved for Homestake Mining Company of California a major dispute with the Cheyenne River Sioux Indians regarding a claim for cultural and environmental injury to their historic lands from a North Dakota mine.