Our representative experience includes:

  • As DOJ officials, decided whether to require monitorships as part of criminal and civil case dispositions; determined the scope and length of monitorships in cases in which they were required.


  • Designed SEC-appointed Independent Compliance Consultant (ICC) workplan for global medical devices company, implementing the plan across operations in Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, resulting in the fulfillment of all company monitorship obligations in connection with SEC FCPA settlement.
  • Conducted DOJ and SEC monitorship in connection with a global cosmetics company’s FCPA settlement.
  • Served as independent compliance monitor in connection with global tobacco company’s FCPA settlement with the DOJ.
  • Conducted required testing and compliance program building in connection with Korean technology company’s SEC FCPA settlement and liaised with the SEC in connection with same settlement with the DOJ.
  • Selected and supervised monitorships for a global pharmaceutical company and an international engineering and construction management firm following FCPA violation resolutions.