Press Release
Press Release
Press Contacts: Erik Cummins, Matt Hyams, Taina Rosa, Olivia Thomas
Honoring 80 companies that consistently make an effort to move women into executive roles, Seramount has again recognized Pillsbury as a “Top Company for Executive Women.” Seramount’s definitive list celebrates companies that champion women’s achievements with a particular focus on succession planning, profit-and-loss roles, gender-pay parity, support and flexibility programs.
“Our Top Companies for Executive Women set an example of a supportive company culture that nurtures successful women,” said Subha V. Barry, president of Seramount. “We are thrilled to see that more CEOs are providing transparent company-wide annual updates, demonstrating their commitment to women’s advancement.”
Notably, recent data suggests that women representation at the named companies has increased at the higher employee levels. Additional highlights include the increase in promotions and of women representation in formal advancement programs.
Click here to see the full list of winners.