Press Release
Press Release
Press Contacts: Erik Cummins, Matt Hyams, Taina Rosa, Olivia Thomas
Pillsbury partner Jeffrey Merrifield testified before the full United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on April 30. As one of just five nuclear industry insiders called to appear before the committee, Merrifield was invited to discuss pathways to reestablish the U.S. as a global leader in nuclear energy and to weigh in on bill S. 903, the recently introduced Nuclear Energy Leadership Act or NELA.
In his opening remarks, Merrifield made clear the importance of a climate-friendly power source such as nuclear energy.
“As Germany and several U.S. states have shown, the elimination of existing, safe nuclear plants in favor of a “renewables only” program has only resulted in increased carbon emissions. Our country needs to deploy more wind and solar assets, but in order to address climate change, we will need to maintain our current nuclear units, and in my view, double the amount of nuclear power that we have in this country over the next twenty years.”
He also praised NELA for incentivizing the development and deployment of advanced nuclear reactors in the United States, noting the significant number of jobs an influx in nuclear energy projects stands to create:
“[The bill] will help enhance the ability for the U.S. to regain its leadership role in the international nuclear energy marketplace and will assist in the creation of many thousands of lifelong, well-paying and satisfying careers for blue- and white-collar workers alike.”
Merrifield is a partner in Pillsbury’s Washington, DC office and co-leader of the firm’s Energy practice. He has previously served as Commissioner of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1998-2007), an attorney in the U.S. Senate and a senior executive at the largest power engineering and construction company in the U.S.
Click here to watch the full hearing. To read Merrifield’s full prepared statement, click here.