Press Release
Source: World Trademark Review
Press Release
Press Contacts: Erik Cummins, Matt Hyams, Taina Rosa, Olivia Thomas
Once again, the World Trademark Review 1000 has recognized Pillsbury lawyers with strong rankings for prosecution, strategy, litigation and enforcement in their 2022 report.
Patrick Jennings received a national individual ranking for prosecution and strategy in the DC-metro area, and Edward Cavazos received a national individual ranking as a “recommended expert” in Texas. In addition, Patricia Cotton, Ken Keller, Vijay Toke and Carolyn Toto were recognized as leading practitioners in the field.
Clients called Keller a “big-picture thinker who is always looking at the end game.” According to the review, “Vijay Toke is an excellent lawyer from a technical perspective but is also supremely responsive and makes himself available at all times.” Together, they recently secured a $5 million consent judgment for Hyundai Motor Company in a parallel import trademark infringement action against Direct Technologies, the review noted.
Toto was described as an “integral member of the group, particularly in view of her internet and social media expertise, worldwide experience and litigation and prosecution savvy,” while the review stated that Cotton was the “number one, two and three recommendation of her clients.”
The WTR 1000 research directory focuses exclusively on trademark practices and practitioners and has established itself as the “go-to” resource for those seeking world-class legal trademark expertise. See more here.