Source: Legal 500
A recent article co-authored by a group of Pillsbury International Arbitration attorneys examines the United States’ approach to international investment treaty arbitration, with a focus on key treaties like the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Convention and the New York Convention. The authors explore the country’s signing and ratification of these treaties, its Model Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and the protections and rights granted to foreign investors. Providing valuable insights into U.S. foreign investment legislation, the article covers criteria for investor admission, protections and available recourse in the event of disputes.
Additionally, the article delves into the U.S.’s practices in investment treaty arbitrations, discussing how the country handles non-ICSID arbitrations and the interim measures available to support investment treaty proceedings.
To read more about the U.S.’s legal framework for international investments arbitration, see the full chapter here.