Awards & Rankings
Source: Law360
Awards & Rankings
Press Contacts: Erik Cummins, Matt Hyams, Taina Rosa, Olivia Thomas
Law360 has selected Washington, DC Energy partner Jay Silberg to the elite slate of attorneys chosen as 2019 practice MVPs. These MVPs were chosen based on hard-earned successes in high-stakes litigation and involvement in complex global matters and record-breaking deals.
Competition for the distinction was fierce this year, with Law360’s editors reviewing nearly 900 submissions to determine the winners. Silberg is one of just five energy lawyers to be named an MVP.
Silberg is one of the nuclear power industry’s “go-to” lawyers, responsible for licensing many U.S. nuclear plants and litigating precedent-setting cases.
He advises on all aspects of nuclear law, including contracting, policy development, compliance and licensing, and related litigation. He represents electric utilities and utility groups, governmental entities, nuclear energy and consulting firms, and other industry players, regularly advocating for clients before the NRC, DOE, state regulatory commissions, U.S. Congress, and federal, state and appellate courts. Silberg advises on matters that range from plant design and construction to decommissioning and spent nuclear fuel storage and disposal.
Silberg has previously been honored for his work on Westinghouse Electric Co.’s restructuring and $4.6 billion acquisition by Brookfield Business Partners L.P. Among other awards, it was named Private Equity Acquisition of the Year 2019 (above $1 billion) by the Global M&A Network’s 11th annual Turnaround Atlas Awards, and the International Financial Law Review named it its Private Equity Deal of the Year.