Media Coverage
Source: E&E News
Media Coverage
Press Contacts: Erik Cummins, Matt Hyams, Taina Rosa, Olivia Thomas
With the Russia-Ukraine conflict now in its third week, questions about the cost and flow of fuel to current and developing U.S.-based nuclear facilities are piling up. With import sanctions in play, many want to know the weight of their potential impact, particularly on the advanced U.S. reactors touted by advocates as a tool for tackling climate change.
Jeffrey Merrifield, the Pillsbury global Energy section leader and a former two term commissioner with the U.S. Nuclear Energy Commission, told E&E News that smaller, advanced reactors require high-assay, low-enriched uranium or HALEU to get more power for their size. Because Russia is the most readily available short-term source for HALEU, the timeline for the implementation of advanced reactors in the U.S. could be affected should Russian nuclear sanctions take place.
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