Press Release
Press Release
Press Contacts: Erik Cummins, Matt Hyams, Taina Rosa, Olivia Thomas
The National Conference of State Liquor Administrators, Inc., announced its Executive Committee for fiscal year July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. In addition to the regulators elected as officers and chairpersons at the NCSLA annual business meeting, Pillsbury partner Carrie Bonnington was appointed to a two-year term as an Associate Member representative.
“I am thrilled and honored to be appointed by NCSLA to this national position. NCSLA is an extremely valuable organization for regulators and industry members and I look forward to working together to discuss the most significant issues facing the alcohol beverage industry,” Bonnington said.
Bonnington, the managing partner of Pillsbury’s Sacramento office, is the leader of Pillsbury’s Wine, Beer & Spirits Law practice.
Highly regarded for her extensive alcohol beverage industry knowledge, Bonnington represents wineries, breweries, distilleries, importers, distributors, on- and off-sale retailers and third-party providers in regulatory, litigation and transactional matters. She advises on advertising, promotional, marketing, and other trade practice and tied house issues. Bonnington represents licensees in state alcohol beverage regulatory administrative proceedings and trials, and structures multifaceted deals relating to sponsorships, production, distribution, acquisitions, and other similar matters.
A national, nonprofit corporation founded in 1934 in Chicago, NCSLA is composed of state regulators as active members, and associate members consisting of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, law firms, associations, and other service-related organizations in the alcoholic beverages sector. Currently, regulatory agencies from 42 of 50 states and the District of Columbia are active NCSLA members. The primary focus of NCSLA is education on historical and current issues related to the regulation of alcoholic beverages.