Tax incentives play a crucial role in shaping decisions, no matter how large or small the business or whether it’s structured as a corporation or a passthrough entity. Major tax incentives utilized by these companies are set to expire soon, or have already expired. Now is the time to evaluate how these changes may affect your corporation or passthrough business.

Join Joshua Becker and fellow panelists for a discussion on the current tax landscape and practical guidance on navigating upcoming changes that will have significant impacts on your business.

During the event, we will explore key topics, including:

  • Overview of major expiring tax incentives and the expected impact on businesses (Corporations and Passthroughs)
  • Strategies for adapting to the evolving tax landscape and maximizing tax benefits
  • Understanding of the tax policy issues and what Carta’s policy team is doing to support the innovation ecosystem

Watch a recording of the discussion here.

Pillsbury Panelist

Additional Panelists

Kevin Jacobs, Alvarez & Marsal Tax, LLC

Amy Miller, Carta


Carta x A&M Tax