Will Sjoberg represents clients in a range of trade remedy and custom matters.

Will has over 30 years of experience representing foreign manufacturer/exporters and U.S. importers involved in trade remedy proceedings before both administrative agencies and federal courts, including the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. International Trade Commission, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, U.S. Congress, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Court of International Trade and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

Representative Experience

  • Reversed a unanimous affirmative preliminary injury determination in an antidumping duty investigation of petrochemicals from Mexico to a unanimous negative injury determination at the U.S. International Trade Commission.
  • Successfully represented a U.S. petrochemical company accused of selling their product in India at less-than-fair value, i.e., dumping.
  • Litigated at the U.S Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit a challenge to U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s imposition of increased duties resulting in over $10 million in refunds to a U.S. importer.

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  • Achieved the second consecutive 0.00 percent antidumping margin (third consecutive margin less than 3.00 percent) in an administrative review of emulsion-styrene butadiene rubber from Mexico.
  • After being responsible for the lowest margins for any company investigated in the antidumping proceedings on acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber from France, Korea and Mexico at the U.S. Department of Commerce, prevailed in the final material injury investigation at the U.S. International Trade Commission by a vote of 5-0.
  • Conducted multiple substantial transformation analyses on behalf of a U.S. importer of multilayered flooring.
  • Reduced by 100 percent the unfair trade liability associated with imports of emulsion-styrene butadiene rubber from Mexico.
  • Attained the lowest antidumping duty margin of any U.S. participating manufacturer in an Indian antidumping duty sunset review.
  • Prevailed in a judicial challenge to a U.S. Department of Commerce administrative determination that applied a punitive antidumping duty of over 300 percent.
  • Prevailed on behalf of a foreign manufacturer in a challenge to a CAFTA-DR commercial availability petition filed with the Office of Textiles and Apparel at the U.S. Department of Commerce.
  • Defended U.S. importers of glyphosate from China resulting in the U.S. industry withdrawing its petition.
  • Defended foreign manufacturers and U.S. importers of outboard motors from Japan, resulting in a negative injury determination in the final investigation at the U.S. International Trade Commission.
  • Saved Fortune 100 manufacturer over $15 million through analysis of business unit import/export issues as member of a three-person team.
  • Reduced by 100 percent the unfair trade liability associated with Russian-origin imports of titanium sponge.
  • Secured exclusion of $800 million in tool steel imports under Section 201 investigation through lobbying Congress and arguing before agencies within the Executive Office.

Professional Highlights

  • “Trade, Tariff and Soybeans: Recent Past, Present and Outlook for the Immediate Future,” Porter Wright Food and Agriculture Quarterly, January 2019.
  • “Trade, Tariff and the Bottom Line,” Greater Columbus Chinese Chamber of Commerce, October 2018. Co-panelist.
  • “The European Union and Japan Agree to Eliminate Tariffs,” Porter Wright Law Alert, July 2018.

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  • “What’s Next for Metal Tariffs?,” European American Chamber of Commerce, May 2018. Speaker.
  • “The Future Without NAFTA?,” Porter Wright Food and Agriculture Quarterly, March 2018.
  • “Ten Years of Mediation at the United States Court of International Trade: Perspectives of a Private Practitioner,” William C. Sjoberg, 23 Tul. J. of Int’l and Comp. Law 454 (2015), January 2015.
  • “Ten Years of Mediation at the United States Court of International Trade: Perspectives of a Private Practitioner,” 18th Judicial Conference of the U.S. Court of International Trade, December 2014. Speaker.
  • “U.S. Customs and Border Protection Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights,” Intellectual Property Law Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2013. Speaker.
  • “Bonding During the Section 337 Presidential Review Period,” Georgetown University Law Center’s International Trade Update, March 2013. Speaker.
  • “Effectively Managing Exclusion Orders in a Technology-Driven World,” American Association of Exporters and Importers’ Winter Seminar in Houston, Texas, February 2013. Moderator.
  • “Customs and Counterfeit Marks: The New Interim Rule,” Association of Women in International Trade, July 2012. Speaker.
  • “U.S. Customs and Border Protection: Recent Developments,” Georgetown University Law Center’s International Trade Update, February 2012. Speaker.
  • “Successful Advocacy Before U.S. Customs and Border Protection,” Georgetown University Law Center’s International Trade Update, September 2011. Speaker.
  • “ITC and Effective 337 Enforcement Before the U.S. International Trade Commission and U.S. Customs and Border Protection,” University of Baltimore School of Law, March 2010. Speaker.
  • “Practical Implementation of State Export Controls,” Ukrainian government and industry officials, Kharkiv, Ukraine, July 2000. Speaker.


  • J.D., Texas Tech University School of Law, 1990

    M.A., University of Texas, 1985

    B.B.A., International Business, University of Texas, 1982


  • District of Columbia


  • U.S. Court of International Trade

    U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit