Andrew Alfano represents creditors and debtors in complex insolvency matters, both domestically and internationally. His practice spans a variety of industries, including aviation and pharmaceuticals.

Prior to joining Pillsbury, Andrew clerked for the Hon. Elizabeth S. Stong in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York.

Representative Experience

  • Representing nearly all State Attorneys General in the United States in connection with a $450 million settlement in the chapter 11 bankruptcy of Endo International plc and its affiliates (In re Endo International plc) for claims relating to the opioid crisis. Nearly all the funds received under the settlement will be dedicated to efforts to abate the opioid addiction crisis.
  • Representing 24 State Attorneys General and the District of Columbia in the chapter 11 bankruptcy of Purdue Pharma and affiliates, a large, complex and first-of-its-kind case (In re: Purdue Pharma L.P.).
  • Representing an aircraft lessor and an engine lessor in the chapter 11 restructuring of airline SAS AB (Scandinavian Airlines System), one of the largest airlines in Europe.

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  • Representing a secured aircraft lender in the chapter 11 cases of In re Voyager Aviation et al.
  • Representing the joint official liquidators of two Cayman Islands investment funds as U.S. Counsel, relating to the misappropriation of hundreds of millions of dollars of the funds’ assets by their former investment advisor (In re IIG Global Trade Finance Fund Ltd., et al.).
  • Represented an industry-leading manufacturer of business jets in connection with the acquisition (through a bankruptcy auction and sale process) of a sole-source parts supplier for its aircraft.
  • Represented various aircraft lessors and lenders in the chapter 11 bankruptcies of Latin American airlines Avianca Holdings S.A., LATAM Airlines Group S.A. (Latin America’s largest air carrier) and Grupo Aeromexico, S.A.B. de C.V. (Mexico’s second-largest airline) filed in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.
  • Represented Fluor Corporation in a complex contractual dispute asserting more than $300 million in claims against debtor Westinghouse Electric Company arising from the construction of nuclear power plants in Georgia and South Carolina (In re: Westinghouse Electric Company LLC).
  • Represented a government contracting business in its chapter 11 case, successfully confirming a chapter 11 plan in less than nine months that restored the viability of the business and saved over 100 jobs (In re: Insignia Technology Services, LLC).
  • Represented indenture trustees in chapter 15 proceedings of OAS S.A. and Aralco filed in conjunction with recuperação judicial proceedings in Brazil.
  • Represented debtor Lynnhill Condominium Associationsuccessfully confirming a chapter 11 plan in 49 days after three prior bankruptcy cases failed (In re: The Condominium Association of the Lynnhill Condominium).

Professional Highlights

  • Member of Pillsbury’s team that won Latin Lawyer’s 2022 “Restructuring Deal of the Year” award for its representation serving as counsel to multiple creditors in the chapter 11 restructuring of Avianca Holdings S.A.
  • Recipient of the City Bar Justice Center’s 2020 Outstanding Pro Bono Service Award
  • Received the Benjamin Weintraub and Alan N. Resnick Bankruptcy Law Award awarded to the graduating student who is most likely to make a significant contribution to the field of bankruptcy law.

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  • Speaking Engagements
    • “Chapter 11 Strategies After Truck Ins. Exchange v. Kaiser Gypsum: Insurer Rights in Policyholder Bankruptcies,” Strafford Webinar, August 8, 2024
    • “Chapter 11 Case Study and Insolvency Law Update,” American Bar Association – Spring Meeting (Aviation Finance Subcommittee), April 5, 2024
    • “Administrative Expenses Under § 503,” Caribbean Insolvency Symposium, American Bankruptcy Institute, February 8, 2023


  • J.D., Hofstra University School of Law, 2016
    Associate Editor, Hofstra Law Review, Volume 44

    B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 2013


  • New York


  • Honorable Elizabeth S. Stong in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of New York (2016-2017)